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As seen in

The Sydney Morning Herald
Australian Financial Review
The Australian Newspaper
The Independent
University Business

University studies into Studiosity's impact

Students’ success, wellbeing, retention, satisfaction, and more. Analyses of what happens after students engage with Studiosity support.

Group discussion at the Student Meet Up

Co-designing with students to ensure service best fit

What goes into developing a product and service that anyone and everyone with an interest in learning will love and use?


Students First: confidence, satisfaction, and outcomes

Symposium review by Professor Sally Kift, Commissioning Editor for Campus Morning Mail and Studiosity Academic Advisory Board Member.


Plagiarism doesn't bother everyone

The Australian: Preliminary data gleaned from a recent study of nearly 1100 university students.


Study finds half of university students want to drop out

Sydney Morning Herald: University students are no strangers to the psychological anxiety. A heavy workload, rising living costs, and familial separation all have an impact on emotional wellbeing.


How I used Studiosity to get a 97.60 ATAR (and have fun while doing it)

"My name is Mariam, a Class of 2019 graduate." We were blown away by Mariam's intelligence and hardworking attitude. Here's her own story.

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Studiosity in the news  |  Public policy leadership  |   Research

March 2024
The AI Journal: What AI support do university students expect from their institution?

March 2024
The AI Journal: What AI support do university students expect from their institution?

June 2022
Daily Telegraph:
Why Queensland's university students are struggling with stress

May 2022
The Australian:
Students say online exams make it easy to cheat: New survey
The Daily Telegraph: How COVID lockdowns impacted disadvantaged students the most [print]
Careers with STEM: Inside the program helping refugee kids excel at STEM
Times Higher Education: Universities in 'Political Box Seat' after Australian election
Herald Sun: Uni students finding cheating loophole with online exams

April 2022
Study International:
Universities cannot simply ‘turn the tap back on’: Students slow to return to Australia

March 2022
Australian Financial Review:
Foreign students back to pre-pandemic numbers
Times Higher Education: More signs of domestic demand shrinking in Australia
MBA News: Only half of international students may return to Australia this year

November 2021
University of Sydney:
New program helps students face challenges of the HSC

September 2021
University Affairs:
To avoid pandemic fallout, equity must prevail in the postsecondary student experience

July 2021
Revealing New Student Study Offers Important Insights for Canada's Future Recovery

June 2021
The Courier Mail: Why cheating at uni is 'easier' than ever

May 2021
The Australian:
University students are worried, as usual
The Canberra Times:
Life is a rollercoaster for mum of eight studying law
Campus Review podcast: Annual survey reveals the stress levels and stressors of students in 2020 🎧
Campus Morning Mail: Student stress stable
FE News: Students push back

April 2021
The Independent: 40 per cent of students ‘seriously considered’ dropping out of university

March 2021
What now? What next? Claire Field podcast:
Student support and mental health: getting it right online 🎧
MBA News: Four ways to boost university study motivation
Campus Morning Mail: Students in 2020 - grim and beared it

February 2021
The PIE news: Studiosity attracts investors as demand for services grow

January 2021
The Australian:
Online learners missed campus and uni friends: Studiosity survey
Australian Financial Review: Sydney-based education platform gets $10m PE injection

September 2020
Times Higher Education:
If universities really want to promote impact, they must work together

August 2020
The Saturday Paper:
Uni students' mental health

July 2020
Online youth help
What now? What next? Claire Field podcast: EdTech during COVID 🎧
The Northern Daily Leader: University of New England funding provides Studiosity program to Tamworth students

June 2020
Campus Morning Mail:
Help for students open all hours

May 2020
Canberra Weekly:
7 tips to support your child with homework

April 2020
Campus Morning Mail:
Seeing through the fog of Corona: what awaits our universities on the other side

February 2020
Times Higher Education:
Universities 'getting it wrong' on student communication
Campus Morning Mail:
The human touch for AI in learning

November 2019
The Campus Review: Who’s cheating at uni, and what are we going to do about it?
Campus Morning Mail: The write stuff for students

October 2019
West Australian News: Tania takes the necessary steps to become a teacher (offline)
The Australian: Language criticism based on misconception (offline)

September 2019
Education Review: Exam tips for teachers, lecturers and students[podcast]
Herald Sun: Surviving the higher school certificate

August 2019
Campus Morning Mail:
Connecting on campus (why students want more)
Daily Bulletin:
National research reveals the impact 'belonging' actually has on students

July 2019
Campus Morning Mail:
Students First: confidence, satisfaction, and outcomes

June 2019
Times Higher Education:
Students 'want universities to find jobs for them'

May 2019
6PR Radio Perth LIVE:
Is university doing enough to make you employable? [audio recording]
The PIE news:
Studiosity creates new tool targeting accidental plagiarism
Courier-Mail: Graduates not ready for reality: study
SBS Filipino:
Helping uni students handle stress [audio file download]
WA Today: Murdoch 'proud to be a global university' amid heat on international students

April 2019
My $110,000 degree was a waste of time and money
Campus Review: 
Strung out: research finds a quarter of uni students stressed daily

March 2019
The Australian: 
Uber-style service to offer peer-to peer learning app
Campus Morning Mail:  Student to student support
News.com.au, Herald Sun, Courier Mail, Adelaide Advertiser: Half of uni students regret their degrees because of poor job prospects, disappointing courses AFR: Universities need to listen to what students want from their degrees

6PR talking with CEO Mike Larsen: ABC Adelaide, ABC Perth

February 2019
Best in AU: Education in Australia: these major trends will reshape how we learn

November 2018
9Honey: How to help your kids with homework when you suck at maths

October 2018
The Australian:
Plagiarism doesn't bother everyone
Campus Review:  Attitudes towards plagiarism culturally relative: study

September 2018
ABC Radio Canberra Drive-time with Laura Tchilinguirian 24/9/2018:
Why student support is so important and what has changed for modern students.

June 2018

Daily Telegraph: Students risk long-term issues by pulling all-nighters to study
This article also appeared in:
Herald Sun
Courier Mail
Adelaide Now
Gold Cast Bulletin
NT News

The Adelaide Advertiser: SA Students More Satisfied (print)
Campus Morning Mail:
Appointments and achievements 
The Australian: Higher Ed Daily Brief

May 2018

Campus Morning Mail: One of the biggest causes of stress for students (newsletter inclusion)
Campus Review: Stressed out students voice their gripes 

April 2018
The Australian: A third of students wish they were elsewhere
This article also appeared in:
Herald Sun
Daily Telegraph
Courier Mail
Adelaide Now
Gold Coast Bulletin
Townsville Bulletin
NT News
Geelong Advertiser
Whitsunday TimesNoosa NewsTweed Daily newsCoffs Coast Advocate
Education Today

ECU Campus Radio: Studiosity's Student Experience Manager speaks about the service

March 2018
Talking Lifestyle Radio, 2UE, 2GB, March 13th 2018Why are students dropping out of university?
Sydney Morning Herald: Study finds half of university students want to drop out
This article also appeared in:
Australian Financial Review
The Age
Brisbane Times
The Canberra Times
WA Today
Junkee: Half of uni students have felt so isolated they considered dropping out

February 2018
Australian Financial Review: Online Learning: Universities' push for physical classes battles virtual trends
Campus Morning Mail: Digital natives expect it all
Campus Review: Vive la resistance: the persistence of the University education model in a rapidly changing world

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