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How it works for our university and institutional partners

Ethical, evidence-based formative feedback for all your students.

1. Immediate, formative writing feedback

Students upload a file anytime to get formative 'help not answers' feedback in minutes. Our ethical, academically-defensible feedback helps students improve their own critical thinking, use of sources, and a range of other skills required of successful graduates. 

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2. Chat, to work it out and persevere

Every student’s 24/7 academic study assistant, customised for post-secondary education using a transparent and known knowledge base for quality assurance. 

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3. Equal-access to peer mentoring support and employment opportunities

Whether study or study-life, students chat with their own Peer Mentor to get back on track and feel better about their academic journey, and feel more connected to your university or college. Amplify your current peer mentoring program to ensure equal opportunity for all students, or quickly scale up a new peer mentoring program.

Learn more about Student Connect >>


4. Evidence of learning

For educators and leadership, Studiosity includes cohort data to prove you are successfully supporting your students at scale, with the satisfaction, peer interaction, and learning gain to show for it.

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5. Continual referral to your teaching and learning ecosystem

With unprecedented populations of students engaging in support via Studiosity, you can actively increase participation with your wider ecosystem at the same time. Peer, library, wellbeing, educators, financial supports - you choose what to grow.

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