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Empower commencing students with 24/7 access to their own Mentor, while growing participation with your wider teaching and learning ecosystem.


All securely from your learning management system, and from our trusted, world-leading platform for colleges and universities.



Your students, your student Mentors, your standards. Supported by our quality assurances and proven technology.

Hire from top 5% of universities

LMS, LTI integration

No downloads, no external apps needed. Access stays within your LMS for easier access, and to grow a culture of integrity and help seeking that you control.

Grow student confidence

Grow all programs

Referrals to grow engagement with your teaching and learning ecosystem.

Reach out, reach in

Mentors check in to engage, to prompt, and drive engagement.

Fair work

Give more of your students access to paid employment and professional development.



Grow student success, not admin.


With built in, inalienable, assurances: robust academic quality, student satisfaction, and ease of set up, delivery, engagement, and reporting. Delivery and engagement are included, so you can focus on results.





Always help,
never answers.

That's why universities
choose Studiosity.

View Academic Integrity Policy >>

So you can grow equity and show authentic learning outcomes, within your Studiosity service and beyond.



The Mentor experience is a rewarding and flexible role during their senior years.

"I thought it was really good because it's flexible and it's something that I could do when I am available because I can't really commit myself to anything that has strict hours, considering studying and working as well." - Kyla, Student Mentor, Second year undergraduate

"It's a good feeling to be able to help people... to give back to students who were in the same position as you were last year." - Jenna, Student Mentor, Second year undergraduate

"I like helping other students, not just because I get a thrill out of it, it helps me reinforce my own concepts. I like collectivism - helping each other out. And because I know what it's like to not understand a concept." - Dani, Student Mentor, Second year undergraduate

Because confidence and participation are critical to success.


"I found her communication super helpful and clear. She helped me access some reading materials I need for my course. I feel like I now know what I need to do."
- Nissi, First year undergraduate

"Just talking to someone about what I needed help with was great."
- Bonnie, First year undergraduate

"Very helpful, feeling more confident now. Will definitely use this service again if everyone else is as helpful as her!"
- Shazia, First year undergraduate


Sally-Kift-Studiosity-AAB-Member"Studiosity’s online peer-to-peer support offering, which is underpinned by their strict academic policies, reporting, and security, is another supplement to improved equity of access to support for all students, especially those who are currently inadvertently excluded.

"When seamlessly integrated with an institution’s other peer programs, it facilitates conversations and community building between students who might be missing out on these critical social and academic connections otherwise, whether due to full-time work, long commute times, family commitments, and/or their online study mode."

- Professor Sally Kift
Leading scholar on the first year student experience,
and Studiosity Academic Advisory Board Member