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Privacy and Cookies Policy


Our Privacy Commitment

Studiosity Pty Limited A.C.N. 114 279 668 trading as "Studiosity" is committed to managing personal information openly and transparently and to keeping personal information safe. We will take all necessary measures to fulfill this commitment, including to:

  • comply with the Australian Privacy Principles ("APPs");
  • ensure that we manage personal information openly and transparently;
  • only collect personal information that we need in order to provide our services and properly undertake our business;
  • be open and honest about how we might use personal information;
  • confirm if we need to disclose personal information to anyone else (including anyone overseas) and if so, in what circumstances this might occur;
  • keep personal information secure;
  • promptly respond to any request not to receive direct marketing material from us;
  • make sure personal information is kept accurate and up to date and to properly dispose of any personal information which is no longer required by us; and
  • ensure that, where appropriate, individuals can access and correct their personal information.

About this Policy

This policy is intended to explain clearly and in plain language some of the key processes and procedures that we have implemented to manage personal information, to protect the privacy of individuals and to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 ("Act") and the Australian Privacy Principles.

References to "our", "us" and "we" in this policy are references to Studiosity.  “End-User” means a person who uses the Studiosity service (“Service”).

This policy gives a broad overview of our policies in relation to privacy but if you require further information, you are welcome to contact us.

You should read this privacy and cookie policy before providing us with any personal information, before using the Service and prior to us providing any services to you. By providing personal information to us, by using the Service or by requesting that our services are provided to you, you are confirming your agreement to the policies and procedures described in this privacy and cookie policy.

What sorts of personal information do we collect?

We will only collect information that is necessary and relevant to the proper undertaking of our business.

The types of personal information we collect may include name, email address (including personal email, institution email and parental email), mobile phone number, year of study, date of birth, postcode, student status, entity/institution name, type of entity/institution (e.g. school, library, university), business address, ACN/ABN, details of sporting and other extra-curricular commitments (if required to assist with scheduling). We may also collect additional information from End-Users in order to improve our services and performance.

Where our clients are students and their families, we will also collect credit card and/or other payment information (which may also include home address details).

The information we collect will depend on the exact nature of the services that we are providing and what information is reasonably required to provide those services.

The Act places additional restrictions on us collecting sensitive information (which includes information about religion, political views, ethnicity, criminal records and sexual preferences). Generally we will not collect this type of information, however we may need to collect some sensitive information in circumstances where a person is applying for a job with us, and consent has been provided to us to do so.

Why do we require personal information?

There are various reasons why we might need to collect, hold, use or disclose personal information and this will depend upon the specific service that we are providing.

Usually, the main reason that we will need to collect End-Users’ personal information will be to provide our services to you. Our main services relate to the provision of individualised, one-to-one tuition services to students and families in circumstances where these students and families are either our direct consumer clients or are the end users ("End Users") of our commercial clients (being schools, tertiary institutions, other educational institutions, libraries and corporations). Our tuition services will include assisting students with homework/study, assignment research, study skills, revision and exam preparation by providing students with a forum with our subject specialists for discussion, feedback and responses in respect of study queries and other aspects of their study. Our services are primarily delivered through the Internet.

We may also use personal information for other reasons, including:

  • to prevent fraud and other criminal activities;
  • to assist us to run our business and to improve our services and performance, including setting up our services, understanding the year level of students, understanding the progress of, and services required by students, staff scheduling, staff training, accounting, risk management, record keeping, archiving, systems development, marketing, developing new services and products (if applicable), undertaking planning, research and statistical analysis (for example, to ascertain the aggregate number of users in a geographical area);
  • to provide customer and technical support;
  • to comply with our legal obligations; and
  • for marketing purposes.

There is no obligation to provide personal information for use by us but if you do not provide us with the personal information that we require, we may not be able to provide the information or services that you require.

How do we collect personal information?

The means by which we collect personal information will depend on the nature of the service being provided.

We may collect personal information:

  1. directly from the individual;
  2. when you access and interact with the Service (including audio recordings and transcripts of calls with End Users);
  3. when you complete the online signup process;
  4. when you access the Service via a third-party software platform
  5. from our commercial clients who have obtained the express consent of their individual clients or customers (i.e. the End User) to disclose their personal information to us for its relevant use, including for use in our business and to provide our services;
  6. from publicly available sources, for example, the electoral role, the telephone directory or from other websites; or
  7. from other sources.

We will collect personal information directly from the relevant individual where ever possible.

Where we are collecting personal information, we will remind you of this policy at the time of collecting that personal information.


Personal information will not be collected where a person is only browsing the Website but we do use cookies to better tailor our information and our services to meet the needs of our clients and End-Users.  A cookie is a small file sent to your browser from a web server to be stored on your computer. Cookies are used to enhance interaction and convenience in using the Website and we do not use cookies to record any personal information. Cookies do not allow access to your computer or any data / files contained in your computer. We use a variety of different types of Cookies on the Website. Some of the purposes of different Cookies we use are described below.

  1. a) Some Cookies are essential to the Site in order to enable our log-in process and let you to move around it and to use its features. Without these Cookies, we may not be able to provide certain services or features, and the Site will not perform as smoothly for you as we would like.
  2. b) We may use Cookies to receive and record information about your computer, device, and browser, including your IP address, browser type, and other software or hardware information. If you access the Site from a mobile or other device, we may collect a unique device identifier assigned to that device ("UDID"), geo-location data, or other transactional information for that device.
  3. c) We may use analytics Cookies, to collect information about your use of the Service and enable us to improve the way it works. Analytics Cookies collect information about how you use the Site, for instance, which pages you go to most. The information allows us to see the overall patterns of usage on the Site, help us record any difficulties you have with the Website.
  4. d) Social plug-in tracking Cookies can be used to track both members and non-members of social networks for additional purposes such as behavioural advertising, analytics, and market research.

Information derived from these Cookies may be combined with other information you provide when signing up to use any element of our services including, but not limited to, joining an email list or signing up to the Website service. We do this only for the purpose of analysing data in order to improve the Website services.

Collecting and disclosing personal information about others

Wherever possible, we will collect personal information directly from the relevant individual.

You represent and warrant to us that where you provide personal information to us about another person:

  1. you are authorised to provide that information to us;
  2. you have obtained the express consent of the individual to disclose their personal information to us for its relevant use, including for use in our business and to provide our services;
  3. you have complied with the APPs in collecting that personal information, including by making all relevant notifications required under APP 5; and
  4. you have informed that person about the contents of this privacy and cookie policy including who we are, how we use and disclose personal information, and that they can gain access to, and correct, that information.

To the extent permitted by law, the Client indemnifies and holds harmless Studiosity from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, obligations, losses, costs, expenses, litigation, deficiencies or damages of, claimed by or suffered by any third party (including legal costs on an indemnity basis and costs of investigation) arising out of or relating to any failure by Client to obtain the consent of an individual to disclose their personal information to Studiosity or to authorise Studiosity to use that information in accordance with the terms of the Privacy and Cookie Policy.

Unsolicited personal information

From time to time we may receive personal information that we have not requested or taken steps to come to know. In these circumstances, we will only hold onto such information where the information is necessary for our functions and activities. If we determine that the information received is not necessary for our functions and activities then we will take steps to de-identify or destroy the information as soon as is practicable. Any determination as to whether or not the information is required to be retained by us will be made within a reasonable period after the information is received by us. Any information that has not been requested but is subsequently retained by us will be subject to the procedures and requirements set out in this privacy and cookie policy.

How do we use or disclose personal information?

We may use and disclose personal information for the purposes for which it was collected or for a related purpose such as:

  1. to set up and activate your account with Studiosity;
  2. to consider a request for a service or product;
  3. to enable us to provide a service or product;
  4. to coordinate the setup and activation of the services we provide to you;
  5. to facilitate, process and respond to the educational or study queries of students;
  6. to facilitate online chat and assistance to students;
  7. to carry out or respond to other queries or requests of students;
  8. to provide information to you that you have requested;
  9. to facilitate and process payments for our services;
  10. to assist us in providing and improving our services, to analyse general usage of our services and industry trends and develop, improve and market our services and products;
  11. for regulatory reporting and compliance with our legal obligations;
  12. to various regulatory bodies, law enforcement officials and agencies, commercial clients, parents, guardians and/or carers to protect against fraud, criminal activity and related security purposes;
  13. to ensure the safety of you or your customers (for example, if we believe the personal safety of a student or any other person is at risk and it is a reasonable action to take to protect that student or person from possible injury);
  14. to perform administrative and operational tasks (including risk management, systems development and testing, staff scheduling, staff training and collecting debts);
  15. to third parties to assist with marketing;
  16. to seek feedback in relation to client satisfaction;
  17. to monitor or improve the quality and standard of services that we provide;
  18. to consider any concerns or complaints made against us; and
  19. to our successors and/or assigns.
  20. we may use anonymised student quotes about Studiosity (or case studies) to explain our service to prospective partners;

Studiosity will also share information regarding the usage of its services by its End Users with its commercial clients by way of a monthly report. Where commercial clients (such as universities, schools etc.) have purchased a licence to use our services, those commercial clients will have access to, and knowledge of the usage patterns of their students. Such usage patterns will include the content of student learning sessions and any comments left in post-session surveys. We may also share transcripts and audio recordings with our commercial clients for the purpose of quality control of our services.

By agreeing to accept the terms of this privacy and cookie policy and in providing personal information to us, you are taken to have consented or obtained the necessary consent to have personal information used or disclosed for the above purposes.

At the time that we collect personal information, we will make it clear why we are collecting personal information. We will not use personal information for any other purpose without consent or where we do use information for another purpose, it will either be for a purpose which we believe is related to the purpose for which it was first provided to us or for a purpose which would be expected.

We may also provide personal information to third parties as outlined below.

Other than the above, we will not disclose personal information without consent unless disclosure is either necessary to prevent a threat to life or health, authorised or required by law, reasonably necessary to enforce the law or necessary to investigate a suspected unlawful activity.

Do we share personal information with others?

We may share your personal information with other companies that are necessary to the provision of the Service. By providing personal information to us, you confirm that consent has been obtained to share the personal information with other such companies.

We deal with third party service providers who may assist us with a variety of functions including with marketing, research, mail and delivery, security, insurance, professional advisory (including legal, accounting and auditing advice), banking, payment processing, credit reporting or technology services. Where we engage third party service providers to perform services for us, those third parties may be required to handle personal information. Under these circumstances, those third parties must safeguard this information and must only use it for the purposes for which it was supplied and we will make all reasonable enquiries to try to ensure that this is the case.

We will limit personal information provided to independent third parties to that information required for those third parties to properly perform their functions. Further, our contracts with these third parties will always require the third parties to comply with the APPs (or equivalent standards).

Do we use personal information for marketing purposes?

As part of the services that we provide, we may:

  1. use personal information that we have collected to identify a Studiosity product or service that may benefit a particular person or group of people;
  2. contact individuals from time to time to let them know about a Studiosity product or service that we believe might be of interest to them; and

By providing personal information to us, you consent, or confirm that consent has been obtained, to include the personal information in our database to be used for the purposes described above, however, an individual can opt-out, unsubscribe or make a request not receive marketing communications from us by writing to us by email at privacy@studiosity.com. Additionally, each marketing communication, including all emails and SMS, will include an opt-out or "unsubscribe" option which will immediately indicate to us that the person opting-out or unsubscribing no longer wishes to receive materials of this kind. If a request is made not to receive marketing communications from us, we will stop sending these materials.

We do not use personal information for public relations purposes without prior consent.

How do we store and protect personal information?

We have implemented appropriate processes and techniques (including physical security such as locks and security systems and computer and network security, including firewalls and passwords) to protect personal information from loss, misuse and interference and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. In addition, access to personal information is limited to those who specifically need it to conduct their responsibilities.

We and our third party service providers take all necessary steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information where it is no longer required and to protect personal information from loss, misuse and interference and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

While care is taken to protect personal information, unfortunately no data transmission over the Internet is guaranteed as 100% secure and no computer system is completely without risk of penetration by unauthorised persons, or other unauthorised access. Accordingly, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information sent to us or received from us online. This is particularly true for information sent to us via email as we have no way of protecting that information until it reaches us. Once we receive personal information, we are required to protect it in accordance with the Act.

Maintaining personal information

We take reasonable steps to ensure that:

  1. the personal information that we collect about is accurate, complete and up-to-date at the time of collection;
  2. when we use personal information, it is accurate, up-to-date, complete and accurate at the time of use; and
  3. if we disclose personal information, it is accurate, up-to-date, complete and accurate at the time of disclosure.

Will we disclose personal information to anyone overseas?

There may be circumstances where we need to disclose your personal information to a third party overseas ("Overseas Recipients"). This may occur, for example, where we have a database or server hosted outside Australia or where you are interacting with an application that is based overseas. Prior to us disclosing your personal information to an Overseas Recipient, we have an obligation under APP 8.1 to take reasonable steps to ensure that the Overseas Recipient does not breach the APPs (the "Overseas Disclosure Obligations").

We will take all reasonable steps to satisfy our Overseas Disclosure Obligations.

How can personal information be accessed?

Usually we will be able to provide access to personal information upon receipt of a written request. Such a request can be emailed to privacy@studiosity.com or can be sent by post to Studiosity, Level 1, 11 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW 2065 Australia, together with confirmation of the person's identity. There are some limited circumstances in which we may not be able to provide access to personal information when requested. Such circumstances might include where access would pose a serious threat to the life, health or safety of another person or where such access would unreasonably impact on the privacy of others.

Where a request is made for access to personal information, we will respond to any such request within a reasonable period after the request is made and if possible, we will provide access to the personal information in the manner requested, if specified. In any event, we will take all reasonable steps to provide access to your information in a way that meets the needs of the individual making the request.

If we deny access to personal information for any reason, or if we are unable to provide access to personal information in the manner requested, then we will provide a written notice confirming:

  1. the reason for such refusal; and
  2. the procedure to complain about the refusal.

We may recover our reasonable costs of supplying access to personal information but we will not charge for any request to access personal information.

How can you seek to correct personal information?

We do what we can to ensure that the personal information we hold is accurate, complete, up-to-date, relevant and not misleading. To assist us to do this, please ensure that you provide us with correct information at the time you provide it to us and immediately inform us if any details change at any time. If we are concerned that any personal information is inaccurate, incomplete, out-of-date, irrelevant or misleading, or if a request is made that we correct any personal information, then we will take all reasonable steps to correct the information to ensure that it is accurate, complete, up-to-date, relevant and not misleading in the context of the purpose for which it is held.

If we correct any personal information and that information has previously been disclosed to another entity that is required to comply with the APPs, then, upon receipt of a request to do so, we will take reasonable steps to notify that other entity of the correction unless such notification is impracticable or unlawful.

If we refuse to correct personal information following a request to do so, then we will provide a written notice confirming:

  1. the reason for such refusal; and
  2. the procedure to complain about the refusal.

If we refuse to correct personal information following a request to do so and a request is made that we associate with the information a statement that the information is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading then we will take reasonable steps to associate the statement with the information so that the statement is apparent to users of the information.

We will respond to any requests regarding the correction of personal information within a reasonable period after the request is made.

We will not charge for any request to correct personal information, nor will we pass on any costs incurred by us in correcting personal information or for associating a statement with personal information.

What if you want to make a complaint about some aspect of our privacy procedures?

We are committed to maintaining and protecting the privacy of individuals but it is possible that in limited circumstances, mistakes might be made. If you are concerned with the way that personal information has been handled then you are entitled to make a complaint. If you would like to lodge a complaint, please contact us through our Privacy Compliance Officer, whose details are set out below.

Privacy Compliance Officer
Level 1, 11 Chandos Street,
St Leonards NSW 2065
Telephone: +61 2 9906 2700
Email: privacy@studiosity.com

If personal information has not been handled in an appropriate way, we will do our best to remedy your concerns as quickly as possible, including by acknowledging receipt of your complaint within 48 hours and trying to resolve the complaint. Where this is not possible, we will contact you within this period to let you know an anticipated time frame within which your complaint will be resolved.

If your complaint is not satisfactorily resolved, you may approach an external dispute resolution service or apply to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner ("OAIC") to have the complaint heard and determined.

How can you seek to remove personal information?

We store data for as long as it is necessary to provide our services and products to you. Your account information will be kept until we no longer need the data to provide our services and products. You can request removal of your personal information at any time by contacting our Privacy Compliance Officer at the details listed above.

Protecting identity

Wherever it is practicable, we will always provide an individual with the option not to identify themselves when dealing with us. Alternatively, an individual may elect to use a pseudonym to protect their identity.

Links to other websites

Studiosity websites may contain links to websites that are owned or operated by other parties. You should make your own enquiries as to the privacy and cookie policies of these parties. We are not responsible for information on, or the privacy practices of, such websites.

Changes to this policy

From time to time it may be necessary for us to review and revise this privacy and cookie policy. We reserve the right to change our privacy and cookie policy at any time.

How can you contact us?

Please find below our contact details. Please do not hesitate to contact us in relation to any privacy-related concerns and we will use our best endeavours to address any such concerns thoroughly and in a timely manner.

If it is practical to do so, you can contact us without identifying yourself. However, if you choose not to identify yourself, it may be more difficult for us to assist you with your enquiry. This will depend on the nature of your enquiry.

Level 1, 11 Chandos Street,
St Leonards NSW 2065
Telephone: +61 2 9906 2700
Email: privacy@studiosity.com

Please note that the Act contains certain exemptions, which may permit us to use personal information in a particular way if specific circumstances arise. Any such exemptions under the Act will take priority over this privacy and cookie policy to the extent of any inconsistency.