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In 2025: How can the sector keep academic integrity, humanity, and learning at the heart of the student experience?

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History of the prize 

Tracey Bretag at the 2018 Studiosity SymposiumTracey Bretag was a professor at the University of South Australia and a leading researcher in the field of educational integrity. She led major studies with enormous national and international implications, and spoke widely and publicly on the importance of universities taking a strong stand regarding educating their students about academic integrity, and enforcing the rules with vigour and strong sanctions. Tracey also came to work alongside the team here at Studiosity, providing advice, guidance, and sharing her research at events. Tracey’s illness came as a shock, as it did for everyone close to her and the wider academic community. 

In September 2020, the Australian government had just passed legislation as a result of Tracey’s work. Studiosity’s Founder, Jack Goodman, wrote to ask for Tracey’s permission to create an annual Academic Integrity Award, named in her honour. We were pleased to receive her blessing in response:

“I am so deeply honoured by your suggestion that I am almost speechless. Thank you so much for coming up with such a fabulous idea, and especially for putting it in my name. Again, I can’t tell you how honoured I feel. The board is perfect to oversee it and I have a great deal of respect for each and every one of them. So, in short, please proceed and let me know if you would like any input from me, but it sounds like you have everything in hand. Thank you again for this incredible recognition of my very small contribution to the field of academic integrity. As I work hard every day to try to demonstrate the type of bravery I’ve always advocated, this certainly gives me a great deal of comfort.”

Tracey passed away prematurely on 7 October 2020. In February 2021, she was honoured posthumously with a Career Achievement Award from the Australian Awards for University Teaching.

We will honour this commitment every year to those who are advancing the understanding and implementation of academic integrity in the higher education sector.