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Students studying away from their home country face very different challenges; fortunately, more universities and colleges are ensuring international students have timely, all-hours study support to help bridge that gap and build a critical sense of belonging. 


28.3% of our student users are learning English as an additional language:


said they got the help they needed with Studiosity.


felt more confident after they received help from Studiosity.


found Studiosity easy to use.


of these students are either extremely or somewhat satisfied with the support they received.

Satisfaction amongst EAL learners is consistent even between different university networks.

EAL students responding that they are "extremely satisfied" or "somewhat satisfied" in 2020.


n = 2,653, or 19% of all Studiosity users. Data from all 7 universities.

ATN university EAL students Studiosity satisfaction

n = 2,092, or 29% of all Studiosity users. Data from 3 universities.


n = 3,414, or 41% of all Studiosity users. Data from 3 universities.

"I thought I knew English, but I when I started doing the degree, when you are writing, that's where Studiosity comes in. We have to go away from our comfort zone because you know, you are an international student, you have to show that you can do something. Because in an assignment, it's like you're representing yourself, what you know, and you have to give a good impression."

- Balraj, International student and nurse

What own-pace, timely study help means to international students:


Balraj from Mauritius is studying nursing with La Trobe University.


Karen from the Philippines is studying management with the Southern Institute of Technology.


Elena from Germany is studying hospitality management at the International College of Management Sydney.

Students enrol for a local experience, including local study support.

Studiosity is the only 24/7 study support service in the world designed to Australian and Commonwealth standards.



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International students who use Studiosity subsequently change their academic intent, awareness, and behaviour.

From a multi-institutional survey of 1077 students from 12 Australian, New Zealand, and UK universities. (Devlin & McKay, 2018).


85% said using Studiosity made them approach their written university work with more certainty.


72% said after using Studiosity they have since attended classes run by the uni to learn more about doing assignments.


79% said after using Studiosity they take extra care to attribute, reference, or cite the ideas of others.
Download the research >

Our 'Help, not answers' policy means both educators and students can be confident with learning outcomes.

"I love the fact that they pointed out my mistakes and explained with details but didn't tell me the answer directly. Love the style!!! Thank you!"
Sunny, 3rd Year, University of New England

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"I quickly learned that Australian universities treat their students, and particularly international students, with a lot of support and services. The quality of the experience was very high - not only were we supported and listened to around how to get the most from our academic experiences, we also always had 24/7 online support and help developing our English language and writing skills."

Welhelmus - a social worker in Indonesia, working with NGOs and communities - enrolled in a Masters of International Development at the University of Canberra.

Read his story >>

"Also in my language we use different types of tenses, not ‘simple, present, past’, so I often miss using the correct tense - it just doesn’t occur to me. But Studiosity reminds me and now I’m getting better at recognising that in my own work. I keep improving and I can feel it now, like I think I'm a lot better at that. And they always give us the reason, so for me, I'm really learning a lot in terms of improving my English through Studiosity."

Destina - from East Java in Indonesia - came to Australia on the competitive scholarship - the Australia Award - to study at the University of Canberra.

Read her story >>