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Case study: UWE Bristol

About the University:

With its local tradition of vocational education, UWE Bristol’s roots date back to the 16th Century as a merchant navigation school.

Today, with £300 million invested in new facilities and  ~40,000 students in total, UWE Bristol is the largest provider of higher education in the South West of England. Awarded Gold in the 2018 Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework for their outstanding quality of teaching, alongside the exceptional performance of their graduates, the University is focused on “solving future global challenges through outstanding learning, world-leading research and a culture of enterprise.” 

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The University has a rich history of partnerships with industry-leading organisations and businesses across the globe, helping to keep their courses relevant and graduates in demand. UWE Bristol is in the top 10% of UK institutions for sustained employment three years after graduating, and has links to over 7,000 employers, with collaborations including major corporations such as BBC, Rolls Royce, Lloyds Banking Group and Airbus. 

Why Studiosity?

UWE Bristol were looking for additional support for all of their enrolled students, ~32,000, specifically supporting attainment and retention, but also contributing to their student wellbeing and all round experience. The support needed to work in conjunction with their existing internal resources to ensure learners were provided with a holistic learning environment, across all areas of study, for their complete university experience; plus, in line with the Universities strong graduate employability mission, for beyond into the workplace as well. 

The University first partnered with Studiosity in October 2022 for two year collaboration, and in September 2024, extended this partnership for a further two years with Studiosity Plus, our AI-for-Learning service. As well as offering immediate, formative writing feedback, the University enhanced support for all of their students by also adding immediate study assistance via Study Assist, and equal-access to a scaled peer mentoring programme via Student Connect. 

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"Highlighting my strengths was a good confidence boost and improved my awareness of 'effective' structure"

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Engagement outcomes:

  • 7,915 students created Studiosity accounts 
  • 5,205 students received help since the full launch October 2022
  • 20,970 total help seeking moments (average 4 per student)
  • 67.5% help seeking by students studying Health Society and Law
  • Since moving to Studiosity Plus, average return time of academic writing feedback 01:11 minutes
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Key performance measures - student satisfaction:
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  • 96% student satisfaction rate
  • 96% of students say they are more confident
  • High help seeking engagement: 100% higher than predicted for first year of partnership
  • 1 minute 12 seconds average return time since switching to Studiosity+
  • 59% of help seeking outside of university core hours 
  • 97% of students said they got the help they needed

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What do students say?

The service allows students to provide feedback each time they use the service. Here is a selection of comments provided by UWE Bristol students:

I found it really helpful, thank you so much :) Quick but thorough feedback with great explanations. Highlighting my strengths was a good confidence boost and improved my awareness of 'effective' structure. Thank you." - 3rd year undergraduate

"Really clear and helpful comments where to improve my writing and to use student voice more - Foundation/Pathway student" - Foundation/Pathway student

"Really helpful for identifying where I have missed punctuation/ grammar but also reassuring when it identifies where you have written well. - 2nd year undergraduate" - 2nd year undergraduate

"Extremely helpful feedback, very happy. Managed to pick up mistakes I struggled to pick up myself, gave a lot of confidence when submitting it!" - 3rd year undergraduate

"Hayden, D supported effective feedback for this essay, by linking with advice and guidance related videos to promote improved academic writing moving forward. He highlighted areas of inconsistencies I had missed reading over many, many times. Overall I found this very helpful and am sure to receive a better result due to the support received. Thanks." - 1st year undergraduate

"Amazing, gives me great confidence in the work that I am doing and how to improve my writing" - Postgraduate taught

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