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Case study: McMasters University


“Thorough and timely feedback. Thank you! I will continue to use this service. It is like having a best friend proofread your paper, when you are in a crunch. Thanks again.”


This case study, conducted by Liz Thomas Associates on behalf of Studiosity, delves into the transformative impact of Studiosity Subject Specialists on the student experience at McMaster University. The study specifically examines the quality of Studiosity Subject Specialists and the immediate benefits perceived by students who have utilized this academic support service.

"Studiosity has allowed us to meet students where they are, on their schedule, with the personalized guidance and quick turnaround times they require.  It has helped us keep up (and ahead) of the changing needs and increasing expectations from our diverse community of learners."
- Christopher Longtin, Manager, Strategic Initiatives, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University

Quality of Studiosity Subject Specialists:
Helpfulness and Support:
  • A remarkable 90.00% of surveyed students expressed that Studiosity Subject Specialists were not only helpful but also highly supportive in their academic endeavours.
Clarity in Feedback:
  • 81.25% of respondents reported that Studiosity Subject Specialists provided clear explanations of feedback, demonstrating a commitment to facilitating student comprehension.
Motivation and Relevance:
  • 75.00% of students acknowledged that Studiosity Subject Specialists played a pivotal role in motivating them to produce their best work. Additionally, 68.76% felt that the feedback provided was highly relevant to their assignments.
Encouraging Responsibility:
  • An overwhelming 84.38% of respondents stated that Studiosity Subject Specialists consistently encouraged them to take responsibility for their own learning, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-directed academic growth.
Immediate Benefits of Studiosity:
Applicability of Feedback:
  • A significant 90% of surveyed students believed that they could apply the feedback received through Studiosity to future assignments, highlighting the practical and enduring value of the service.
Motivation Enhancement:
  • A majority of students (71.88%) reported that Studiosity significantly contributed to their motivation, demonstrating the service's positive influence on student engagement and commitment
Development of Study Skills:
  • 28.13% "Strongly Agreed" and 31.25% "Mostly Agreed" that Studiosity had positively impacted their study skills, indicating the service's role in fostering essential academic competencies.
Readiness to Seek Help:
  • An overwhelming 87.51% of students agreed that, having used Studiosity, they were now more likely to seek help readily, emphasizing the service's role in breaking down barriers to seeking academic support.

The Studiosity Subject Specialists at McMaster University have proven to be invaluable mentors, offering not only academic support but also motivation, clarity, and encouragement. With 64.06% of interactions occurring after 5:00PM EST, the need for after hour student support is clear. The service received an 88.10% satisfaction rate, with a 19.35% report rate. Additionally, students utilized the Studiosity’s referral system, looping them back to university services on campus, based on their needs. The immediate benefits reported by students underscore Studiosity's role in empowering students to take charge of their learning journey, enhancing their study skills, and creating a positive and proactive academic culture at McMaster University.

What do McMaster students have to say about Studiosity?

“The feedback was clear and constructive. It helped that there were examples in my work that showed what I have done well."

“I appreciated the suggestions as well as the comments pointing out some good examples in my essay.”

“Thanks for the detailed feedback. I especially like the comments about my use of contractions and use of American/British English in my writing. I would have never known otherwise."

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