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Case study: The University of Adelaide


The University of Adelaide, South Australia


The University of Adelaide is one of Australia's oldest universities, founded 146 years ago. The institution is a member of the Group of Eight research intensive universities, and prides itself on a long history of - and commitment to - research and education excellence. With students in more than 90 countries, the university has 1300 international students offshore, with 1000 in China. The majority of students are full time, with most students school leavers rather than mature learners. Around 15 percent of students are classified as low SES.

The university's aim is to continue a tradition of excellence and close nexus between education and research, while equipping students with the skills and capabilities they need to make transformational impacts in the wider world.

Why Studiosity?

"The Student Retention and Success Plan 2019-2021 positions Studiosity as a key strategy for achieving student wellbeing and academic progression through targeted support, by ensuring that the specific needs of at-risk (including external) students are met. It is considered transitional support and most suited for commencing students. As the service offers out-of-hours support, Studiosity complements standard working-day academic support services offered at the University of Adelaide (for example, the Maths Learning Centre, the Writing Centre, and faculty first-year drop in centres). It may therefore benefit student cohorts with typically lower on-campus attendance (for example, part-time students and those living far from campus), for whom barriers to accessing existing academic support may exist. Further, as a source of feedback on written English, Studiosity may offer particular benefits for international and other students requiring additional help with English language skills."


In a 2019 evaluation of Studiosity, researchers found: 
  • Students who engaged with Studiosity had a higher overall average course mark than non-users (74% and 68% respectively). It is not possible to attribute changes in success to Studiosity, as a wide array of potential confounding factors (within the University, in the broader environment and in students’ lives) are not able to be accounted for in the analysis.
  • Over 90% of students engaging with Writing Feedback and 80% of students engaging with
    Connect Live reported satisfaction with the service.
  • Overall 91% of post-interaction responses attributed an increased sense of confidence to Studiosity and 95% of post-interaction responses agreed the necessary help had been provided.
  • Overall 84% of responses indicated an increased sense of confidence and capability in discipline specific content knowledge and skills. Chemistry received a higher than overall average response for increased confidence.

Student feedback on Studiosity

"Thank you so, so much Farnaaz for your kindness and for your helpful feedback. I don't know if it's the sleep deprivation or what but I am welling up a little over here, this is more helpful than any feedback I've gotten in my whole uni life and it is so thorough. I am very grateful thank you :)"
- Honors student, The University of Adelaide

"Really good specific feedback in the annotations. Some stuff I had just missed, and other things I would not have known without your assistance. Really appreciate the help. Thanks." 
Post graduate, The University of Adelaide

"Explained things very clearly and laid out the solution step by step. Very good at breaking down the method to get to the endpoint, and suggested methods to make the question easier to understand. Very helpful and kind! :)" 
- 1st-year undergraduate, Chemistry, The University of Adelaide

"Highlighting sections of my work where the argument was either not strong or not communicated effectively was a big help!" 
- 2nd-year undergraduate, The University of Adelaide

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