Global student survey reveals the biggest opportunities for university leaders.

Aug 12, 2024
Stay informed about global student expectations to improve learning and support, in the latest Global Student Wellbeing Survey from Studiosity by YouGov, download the full report for more.

Student view: A day in the life of a full-time, online Nursing student

Aug 22, 2023
Vangeal is a mature-aged, Nursing student at CQUniversity in Townsville, Australia, and shares her tips on how to juggle study, work and family - whilst still having fun. 

Advancing student wellbeing in 2024 - a Students First symposium

Aug 14, 2023
How has technological, economic, and political disruption impacted students’ engagement, motivation, and resilience? How are Australian and New Zealand universities responding to this, to protect students' wellbeing?

How can we remove barriers, and motivate students to normalise help-seeking?

Feb 21, 2023
Dr Pike discusses how the University of Bedfordshire has extended its partnership with Studiosity to support the objectives in its Access and Participation Plan and has undertaken usage research to inform key pedagogical changes to ensure its students seek timely help in order to achieve success.

Reflecting changing student expectations at CABS Annual Conference 2023

Nov 16, 2022
An engaging panel session at Chartered ABS Annual Conference 2023 to reflect the changing student expectations for a more flexible and personalised education; panel guests explored the opportunities and challenges and how this all affects learning and teaching strategy. Lewis McKinnon reflects on the key takeouts.

72% of Canadian postsecondary students report having to have pulled an all-nighter studying to meet a deadline or get through courseload

Sep 29, 2022
Fourth chapter of the 2022 Canadian Student Wellbeing Study reveals insights into study habits, thoughts toward student support services, and more.

40% of Canadian postsecondary students have considered withdrawing

Aug 30, 2022
Third chapter of the 2022 Canadian Student Wellbeing Study reveal insights into student stress, thoughts on withdrawing, and optimism towards the future.

53% of current Canadian postsecondary students report witnessing cheating

Jun 25, 2022
Second chapter of the 2022 Canadian Student Wellbeing Study reveal insights into prevalence and motivation behind cheating, thoughts on assessment, and more.

76% of current Canadian postsecondary students report balancing work in addition to studying

Jun 25, 2022
First chapter of the 2022 Canadian Student Wellbeing Study reveal insights into student commitments, engagement, motivations, and more.

Student Wellbeing in Canada: How do students currently feel and how can institutions support?

Dec 21, 2021
Highlights from a panel discussion on student wellbeing with experts from Canadian universities who share their research on student mental health, as well as insights into how students currently feel.