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UK student helpseeking 2019 vs 2020: what will be COVID-19’s impact upon study support this year and beyond?

Sep 16, 2020
Professor Cliff Allan was joined by Professor Liz Thomas who shared her recent research reports into the impact of Studiosity on the student experience, confidence, wellbeing, access and retention following studies across six UK universities. Also joined by special guest panel.

A conversation with Professor Cliff Allan

Sep 10, 2020
Professor Cliff Allan talks about what inspired him to enter the academic world and the importance of universities in modern society.

Generation Covid: applicant feelings towards university in 2020, and the importance of student support

Aug 25, 2020
Insights from Clare Marchant of UCAS on generation covid, their thoughts and feelings throughout the pandemic and recommendations for the academic year.

Usage and impact of academic support, with Jennifer Lawrence UNE

Jul 29, 2020
Does it matter where students seek help, or just that they do? Do different students use different types of services, or do they shop around? Is it just the students who would succeed anyway who are accessing these services, or does this support make the difference? Jennifer Lawrence from the University of New England dives into the data, in this part of the 'Students First' Studiosity Symposium web series.

Working in partnership for online student learning support: Evidence of positive impact

Jul 22, 2020
Observations from Professor Cliff Allan and Professor Liz Thomas, on 2019 and 2020 research into the impact of Studiosity on the student experience, as well as participation and persistence. The reports are cross-institutional studies carried out by Liz Thomas Associates, using 2019 data from 11 UK universities.

Neil Mosley’s session debrief: a challenge to universities to change, think and do things differently

Jul 13, 2020
Neil Mosley, Digital Learning Designer at Cardiff University, presented his challenge to universities to change, think and do things differently, especially in light of the current situation caused by the pandemic, with considerations for universities for the forthcoming academic year.

Students First 2020 - Prof Philippa Levy's session recap

Jun 24, 2020
Prof Philippa Levy, PVC Student Learning at the University of Adelaide, discusses how their traditional university is 'Embracing online' in their support ecosystem.

Moving offline courses  online - choose the right platforms and technologies to suit your course

Jun 17, 2020
Gavin Clinch, Head of Online Learning (Student Experience) at IT Sligo shares insights into IT Sligo’s background, their remote teaching response to the emergency COVID-19 situation, the role of their new Online Student Advisors and alternative assessments to invigilated exams.

Sarah Knight’s session debrief: how are students in FE and HE actually using technology?

Jun 13, 2020
Sarah Knight discusses the findings of the Jisc digital experience insights survey report with key recommendations on how universities can support an excellent student digital experience.

Students First 2020 - Prof Denise Kirkpatrick's session debrief

Jun 2, 2020
Senior DVC Professor Denise Kirkpatrick discusses the 10+ year partnership between Studiosity and WSU to support the students of Greater Western Sydney.