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Positive interventions for improved student academic integrity

Mar 11, 2021
Students have been hitting the headlines in relation to increased levels of cheating just as a new Essay Mills (Prohibition) Bill was put forward to the UK Parliament last month. However, most students don't intend to be dishonest - so how do we provide formative academic integrity feedback and enhance self-efficacy?

The digitisation of peer learning: a review

Mar 9, 2021
A literature review into the successes and challenges of digital peer support in universities reveals minimum requirements for student satisfaction as well as recommendations to integrate and normalise help seeking.

An interview with Professor Petra Wend

Feb 12, 2021
Professor Petra Wend discusses her thoughts on how universities can provide opportunities for all, and highlights of her academic career.

Creating a community with ongoing, embedded student support & engagement

Feb 6, 2021
University partner interview with Professor Marilyn Holness, OBE, University of Roehampton: Part 2: Student engagement and student support

An interview with Professor Rebecca Bunting

Jan 27, 2021
Professor Rebecca Bunting discusses her thoughts on how universities can enhance the student academic experience and a tour through her career to date

An interview with Sir Eric Thomas

Jan 7, 2021
Sir Eric Thomas discusses his thoughts on the role of university in today's society, his career, and very importantly, his favourite football team...

A wonderful chat with the delightful Professor Marilyn Holness, OBE

Dec 9, 2020
University partner interview with Professor Marilynn Holness, OBE, University of Roehampton: Part 1: Career highlights, charity involvement & proud mum

Retaining students and learning in lockdown: a student perspective

Nov 18, 2020
Lauren Edwards, Student Union president of Plymouth MarJon University, shares her thoughts on retaining students during the pandemic.

UK student helpseeking: remote student support and academic skills in the curriculum

Oct 6, 2020
Professor Jonathan Powles of the University of the West of Scotland shares insights into supporting students remotely.

How do you engage students who aren't seeking help?

Sep 25, 2020
Professor Holness describes in detail Roehampton's best practice approach for integrating formative feedback into assessment, and integrating support into the student experience. Prof Marilyn Holness, OBE, is Professor of Education Engagement and Practice and Director of Student Engagement at the University of Roehampton.