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How To Write A Persuasive Essay

Dec 7, 2016
It was disappointing to see that persuasive writing was not an area of strong performance in the recent NAPLAN results. While pressuring students to achieve top marks in the NAPLAN tests is doing things the wrong way, they are valuable diagnostic tool when assessing entire cohorts.

7 Easy Ways To Beat Procrastination

Oct 21, 2016
Most of us, and particularly when it comes to exams, assignments and homework, get an attack of procrastination. Here are our best tips on how to beat it.

Understanding The Changes To HSC English

Jul 22, 2016
This week the Stronger HSC Standards initiative was announced, with the intention of improving HSC outcomes for NSW students completing their senior schooling.

How To Take Awesome Notes In Class

May 18, 2016
Good study notes make study quicker, easier, and more effective. Here we will go through how to take notes in class, how to organise your notes and how to write good notes.

Why Healthy Sleep Is Vital For School Success

Apr 11, 2016
For many parents, ensuring their children get the right amount of sleep can be stressful. Here are some facts on why it’s so important they get the sleep they need.

What Can Parents Do To Help Their Kids During Exams?

Mar 23, 2016
It's natural to share some of your child's anxieties during exam time. Here are some things you can do to help them out and reduce stress within the family.

What Every Student Should Do In The Last 10 Minutes Of A Maths Exam

Oct 20, 2015
I tutored maths for a few years, and there were two basic skills I wished every high school student had nailed down.

How Matt used Studiosity to get a 99.9 ATAR

Aug 25, 2015
In 2014 Matt graduated from St Stephens College in the Gold Coast, receiving an ATAR score of 99.9 and Dux of the school. He took some time out to chat to us about his experiences of using YourTutor.