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Start with fairness and quality: Studiosity's CSR approach

Jack Goodman

Jack Goodman

Feb 7, 2024

This is Jack's foreword from Studiosity's 2023-2025 Corporate Social Responsibility policy document.

Thank you for taking time to read this statement about Studiosity's purpose and our commitment to all of our stakeholders. When I founded Studiosity 20 years ago, I began with the premise that every student deserves access to the highest quality learning support, regardless of their social, geographic or personal circumstances. It was a simple matter of fairness that informed our project, and we first pursued our goal by developing a pioneering approach to delivering homework support to high school students via Australia’s public libraries.1

Today, our mission remains firmly focused on equity of access to 24/7 academic literacy and study support. We believe it is possible to do this most efficiently and effectively by bringing all stakeholders on this journey - the students we assist every day, our institutional partners, policy makers, community groups, and own teams.

"When I founded Studiosity 20 years ago, I began with the premise that every student deserves access to the highest quality learning support, regardless of their social, geographic or personal circumstances."

Why have we taken this approach? For the simple reason that we believe it is the right and most ethical thing to do. Education, like health, is an area that is too important in terms of the lives that it impacts, for any of us to cut corners. If we are seeking to have a deep, long-term impact on students’ life chances, and to assist the institutions they attend to enhance their student experience, then we must start from a premise of “quality first.”

I hope this report will give you a deeper understanding of the type of organisation Studiosity is. And as you read through these pages, I also hope you will share your feedback and comments. If there are ways we can improve or expand our internal and external initiatives to augment Studiosity's positive impact on the world, then we want to know about them. We work hard to be open to constructive feedback, as individuals and as an organisation. It is the only way to improve, and we hope you can help us improve by contributing, in your own way, to our learning journey.


1 Some people find it surprising to learn that public libraries are the largest member-based organisations in Australia, are the favourite destination for school students after school, and are the most trusted service delivered by local government.

Jack Goodman is Founder and Chair of Studiosity


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Studiosity is personalised study help, anytime, anywhere. We partner with institutions to extend their core academic skills support online with timely, after-hours help for all their students, at scale - regardless of their background, study mode or location. 

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