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Is there a plague of cheating in NSW high schools?

Jun 9, 2015
Jack Goodman questions the hidden issues behind the media-reported cheating 'endemic' in NSW high schools.

Techniquely Correct: The Opposite Of Personification

Jun 1, 2015
This week we're talking about personification and, even more interestingly, the opposite of personification.

What's the deal with Adventure Time? A parents guide

May 21, 2015
Adventure Time is one of the most popular cartoons out there. But does it teach good lessons, or is it just the fast-food of the television world?

Dialogue and dinosaurs: A critical analysis of Jurassic Park

May 15, 2015
Fiach Smyth shares his critical analysis of one the scenes from Jurassic Park, and shows how you analyse dialogue in a film - something which a lot of students struggle with.

NAPLAN: To practise or not to practise, that is the question

May 7, 2015
Should you study for NAPLAN? Should children be cramming for what is a basic skills test? Can practice really help?

Surprisingly Educational Games: Kerbal Space Program

Apr 29, 2015
Kerbal Space Program, a game which has come out of two years of beta this week, is exciting gamers and educators alike with its engaging game play and realistic physics modelling.

What's the deal with Minecraft? A parents guide

Apr 28, 2015
A classic videogame by any metric, Minecraft has the added bonus of it being a constructive, thoughtful game suitable for all ages. Minecraft is essentially lego, allowing players to place blocks in a 3D world to create buildings, art, or even complicated machines.

A Solution to "Degrees of Deception": The obligation to international students

Apr 28, 2015
Jack Goodman suggests that Australia's universities need to ensure international students pass more rigorous pre-enrolment assessments, and that those students who do enrol need to receive more academic, social, and cultural support.

YouTube is 10 years old. Here are 3 reasons why you should care

Apr 24, 2015
It was ten years ago that YouTube’s transparency, accessibility, and personalisation made you - customers, students, voters – more powerful.

An explanation to the maths problem that's stumping the world

Apr 15, 2015
Over the last couple of days this maths problem, posed to 14 year olds in Singapore, has been creating waves of confusion online. Our expert Maths tutor Viet offers an explanation and solution.