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How Matt used Studiosity to get a 99.9 ATAR

Aug 25, 2015
In 2014 Matt graduated from St Stephens College in the Gold Coast, receiving an ATAR score of 99.9 and Dux of the school. He took some time out to chat to us about his experiences of using YourTutor.

Why Tutoring? And What Exactly is Online Tutoring, Anyway?

Aug 17, 2015
A couple of weeks ago a book entitled Why Tutoring? arrived at our offices. Written by Andrea Nelson-Royes, Why Tutoring? is a comprehensive analysis of the history, pedagogical benefits, and current state of the art of tutoring.

To Fan The Flames Of Learning, Start With Ember.js

Aug 11, 2015
Today we release a new online classroom, rebuilt from the ground up, to help make these tutor and student interactions as seamless as possible.

TAFE Series: Here's what your students get 'stuck' on out of hours

Aug 10, 2015
Sunday night is the busiest night of the week for study. And, understandably, it's a time TAFE teachers struggle to be available for student support needs without stretching out contact hours even further. So what exactly did your students need help with last night? Here's a glimpse into just a few ways your students got help with YourTutor, right when they needed it.

TAFE Series: 3 things we learned from TAFE teachers last week

Aug 6, 2015
Switching off, English writing standards, and personal learning. Here's what we heard from TAFE teachers about their students last week.

Adam Goodes: "If I'm Only Remembered For My Football, I've Failed In Life"

Jul 31, 2015
The escalating national argument about Adam Goodes continues to trouble me and just about everyone I speak with. The one missing voice is, of course, Goodes' own.

Adam Goodes Deserves Better

Jul 29, 2015
The treatment of Australian of the Year Adam Goodes by some AFL fans is something we feel compelled to address. We at YourTutor feel a particular affinity for Goodes because of his generosity in donating his time to support the work we do with Indigenous high school students.

The End Of The Lecture Can't Come Soon Enough

Jul 28, 2015
Since the internet began its inevitable and relentless domination of so many aspects of our lives, dozens of industries have succumbed to its power. Now, belatedly, it appears the university lecture is about to meet the same fate.

TAFE Series: Are you getting through to your students? A lesson from web design.

Jul 27, 2015
Are you guilty of the 20,000 word email? Here's why you're losing your audience and wasting your time. Whether it's an email to your students, a forum post, or an introduction pack, take a leaf from Web Usability experts: focus on one thing at a time.

TAFE Series: PD now, for your next TAFE job, later

Jul 22, 2015
We're all looking for new skills and learning that can take us into our next role and next job. But did you know, as TAFE teachers, your experience with YourTutor can help you transition from one job to the next?