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Everyone complains about the weather but no one does anything about it; the NAPLAN 'wake-up call'

Dec 14, 2017
The Government wants a wake-up call on falling NAPLAN literacy rates, but what does a real solution for lifting performance look like? | Studiosity

See you ATAR

Dec 7, 2017
What's the point of ATAR scores, and what would high school and university look like without them? Geoff Kinkade reveals. | Studiosity

Are You Spending or Investing? Choosing the Right Partner for Academic Support.

Nov 2, 2017
5 factors that decision-makers should consider - for better outcomes for their universities, students, and financial bottom line | Studiosity

Things we’d say to our favourite teachers, now

Oct 27, 2017
Teaching can be a tough and fairly thankless job, so we wanted to take the opportunity today, as National Teachers’ Day, to celebrate and honour teachers everywhere for the work they do (and have done).

Turning Gamers into Writers

Oct 12, 2017
How do we use lessons from gaming to build better writers? An extract from Jack Goodman's presentation at the National Boys' Education Conference | Studiosity

Is ignorance power? The constant confusion of Homo Deus

Oct 11, 2017
We're all cyborg-gods who don't know how to adapt to change, says Yuval Noah Harari in his sequel to Sapiens, Homo Deus. Let's look deeper into this, shall we?

On incrementalism, the new mobile app, and more. A recap of the 2017 Studiosity Symposium.

Sep 22, 2017
This is what makes us the best at what we do - expert feedback from our partners. Check out this photo-heavy recap of our 2017 Partner Symposium | Studiosity

3 Ways To Start Your Term 4 Exam Preparation Now

Sep 12, 2017
Whatever grade you are in, at some point in the next couple of weeks you are going to sit your end-of-year exams, and now is the right time to start knuckling down so that you're feeling confident and organised.

How Parents Can Help Their Kids In Year 11 And 12

Sep 1, 2017
Having kids in Year 11 and 12 can be tricky business. Parents have an important role in supporting their kids through this time, but one of the best things you can do is to relax and be supportive rather than overbearing.

Noun: The quality of being studious

Aug 30, 2017
YourTutor is now Studiosity, here's why | Studiosity