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Butler College, WA: How Studiosity has helped our students thrive

May 9, 2018
Butler College, Western Australia, has been using Studiosity for over 6 years to help students from all skill sets and walks of life improve basic numeracy, literacy and core subject skills. We spoke to three key individuals from the College and WA Department of Education to find out why Studiosity is so valuable. 

Moving away from multitasking: What parents can do to help their children with NAPLAN

May 7, 2018
As the annual NAPLAN exams draw nearer, many parents are wondering how they can prepare their children for these basic numeracy and literacy tests. It's important young people are able to find a way of preparing that engages them and truly focuses their attention. Studiosity can help. 

How to start making Gonski's personalised learning a reality

May 2, 2018
Gonski 2.0 is being criticised because there’s nothing to actually implement. Let’s solve that, here. The review points out what we all know - that our school system is a model of mass production. But how can personalised learning become a reality in 2018? It already is. | Studiosity

Common accounting mistakes and how to avoid them

Apr 24, 2018
For those of you studying accounting, it is important to realise some of the key mistakes that are easy to make, but also easy to avoid – if you know how.

Why feedback is an essential tool for success at NAPLAN

Apr 20, 2018
Whatever you might think of NAPLAN, the tests aren't going away any time soon. It's essential teachers prepare students by getting them to practice more effectively, for instance with formative feedback. Read on to find out more about how it can help students develop their numeracy and literacy skills. 

Effective learning methods: The importance of formative feedback

Apr 13, 2018
Feedback is an essential part of the learning process, especially in universities where students strive for the best grades possible. Formative Feedback has the potential to help students develop self learning skills and improve the quality of their submissions.

It's not business, it's just personal: Stories from inside Studiosity

Mar 27, 2018
Here, we talk to Héma Prakash, Studiosity's Head of Partnerships about her early career, her charitable work, how she found Studiosity, and how education is empowering women and people in poverty both in Australia and all over the world.

UA 2018: Winners, losers, and big themes for higher education

Mar 21, 2018
'Unis as a whole are on an accelerating trajectory into an uncertain future.' Jack Goodman shares his insights of the 'winners and losers' of this year's national Universities Australia Higher Education Conference, and points out that many questions still remain unanswered.

How our Subject Specialists support students anywhere

Mar 13, 2018
At Studiosity we have an amazing and diverse team of Subject Specialists that spans across ages, countries, and cultures, just like the students who seek assistance from us. Every year, one of our specialists is honoured with the 'Specialist of the Year' award for their outstanding service to students.

Narrative vs Persuasive Essays

Mar 7, 2018
How do you distinguish between narrative and persuasive essays? A simple search tells us that a narrative essay tells a story, while a persuasive essay makes an argument. However, English specialist, Jeanie Tseng, tells us why it's not as easy as that.