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The mother lode: what it's like to study full time and raise kids

May 10, 2019
Studying full time and raising 2 kids is no easy task. We spoke to Primary Education student Naomi about how she handles the juggle of studying and parenting.

Are Australian high schools preparing students for university?

May 8, 2019
University is a significant step up from high school, and many students appear to be unprepared for the type of study required in higher education.

"Flexible and accessible": How to make online learning effective

Apr 30, 2019
Online education holds several benefits, and when done well, can bring learning to more people than ever, but it needs to be flexible, accessible and timely.

My first six weeks of uni, ever. Here's what I wish I'd known.

Apr 29, 2019
Danielle started university with a very different impression than what her reality is now like. Long commutes, lack of feedback and social isolation can make first year challenging.

What's it like to study abroad? Insights from Studiosity's Mona Pradella

Apr 17, 2019
International student numbers are on the rise in Australia. In 2017, over half of Australian university places were occupied by international students. Here we talk to Studiosity's own Mona Pradella on her experience as an international student, and how it helped form her career.

Are Australian universities preparing our students for employment?

Apr 11, 2019
The main goal of university is ultimately to prepare students for employment. With rising fees, it's becoming even more important that students are able to find jobs after their studies. However, increasing student numbers means that this isn't always possible. Are Australian students really prepared for employment?

Proofreading vs editing: What's the difference?

Apr 10, 2019
Proofreading involves correcting surface errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Editing, on the other hand, seeks to improve your essay's overall quality. Feedback can help with both.

Review of online study help - thoughts from a university student

Apr 5, 2019
A university student and first time Studiosity user shares her experience with the Writing Feedback service. Reposted from Jennifer Reinhardt's blog, with permission.

What students say about studying and using Studiosity

Mar 27, 2019
Behind the scenes of the latest Studiosity video shoot, with students talking about their experiences using Studiosity and how it helps them succeed.

Book review: Draft No.4 Writing tips from a Master

Mar 26, 2019
McPhee’s much anticipated Draft No.4, On the Writing Process, is both deeply nostalgic and quirkily entertaining. For budding writers it offers an eclectic collection of anecdotes, touchstones and mud-maps, alongside earnest encouragement for those immersed in the sometimes brutal process of “knitting a novel”, writes Mike Larsen.