The main goal of university is ultimately to prepare students for employment. With rising fees, it's becoming even more important that students are able to find jobs after their studies. However, increasing student numbers means that this isn't always possible. Are Australian students really prepared for employment?
Proofreading vs editing: What's the difference?
Apr 10, 2019Book review: Draft No.4 Writing tips from a Master
Mar 26, 2019
McPhee’s much anticipated Draft No.4, On the Writing Process, is both deeply nostalgic and quirkily entertaining. For budding writers it offers an eclectic collection of anecdotes, touchstones and mud-maps, alongside earnest encouragement for those immersed in the sometimes brutal process of “knitting a novel”, writes Mike Larsen.
Students are the lifeblood of a university. They drive our professionals to seek great outcomes and shape Australia's future, so it's their demands that should shape the way universities provide educational support services. So, are universities understanding how the students of today want to learn?