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Understanding (and questioning) the new WACE requirements

Apr 15, 2020
The WACE requirements for Year 11s in 2020 and beyond are a little different - here, our WA education expert helps explain.

Maintaining sanity as a single parent working from home

Apr 9, 2020
Working from home with kids when you're a single parent has its own set of challenges. Stacey, a Studiosity Mentor and former school teacher, shares her best advice.

4 steps to create a good study routine in isolation

Apr 8, 2020
Setting up a good 'routine' for study is a great way to make sure your grades don't suffer, even though you're not in class and studying at home in isolation.

'Make time to waste time' - and other tips from a long-time online student

Mar 27, 2020
Studying online isn't easy, but with a little focus, and the right support, you can do it. Here are Tegan's best tips on how to get your study done online.

Tips for working or studying from home - with kids in the house

Mar 26, 2020
How to get any work or study done, when the kids are home? Here we're sharing our collective wisdom so we can all get through this together!

An AI squared approach to enhance student support

Mar 25, 2020
Combining Artificial Intelligence with human assistance - what could it do, for education? Studiosity's partnership with CSIRO's Data61 will find out.

How to study online: Online students share their best study tips

Mar 24, 2020
We asked online students to share their best study tips with their peers, to help them nail their studies from the safety and comfort of their own home during this uncertain time.

Studying and self-isolating: the lowdown on lockdown

Mar 23, 2020
You're self-isolating and still need to study. Here's how to keep your head and ensure you maximise your study time at home.

Working or studying from home - practical advice from a CTO

Mar 18, 2020
As COVID-19 sends many people into ‘work from home’ mode, these tips from our Chief Technology Officer will help you do it successfully, safely, and comfortably.

Studiosity CEO Update: Service Continuity

Mar 11, 2020
Studiosity CEO Update: Service Continuity. Regarding our capacity to deliver support and prioritising your students during the COVID-19 pandemic, from CEO Michael Larsen.