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An interview with Professor Rebecca Bunting

Jan 27, 2021
Professor Rebecca Bunting discusses her thoughts on how universities can enhance the student academic experience and a tour through her career to date

An interview with Sir Eric Thomas

Jan 7, 2021
Sir Eric Thomas discusses his thoughts on the role of university in today's society, his career, and very importantly, his favourite football team...

A wonderful chat with the delightful Professor Marilyn Holness, OBE

Dec 9, 2020
University partner interview with Professor Marilynn Holness, OBE, University of Roehampton: Part 1: Career highlights, charity involvement & proud mum

Retaining students and learning in lockdown: a student perspective

Nov 18, 2020
Lauren Edwards, Student Union president of Plymouth MarJon University, shares her thoughts on retaining students during the pandemic.

10 tips on how to write a great CV

Nov 17, 2020
Here are some points to ensure your CV gets past the robotic gatekeepers (the ATS system) and gets the right kind of attention from the right people. Whether you are writing your first CV or editing your tenth, here are some points to set you up for success.

How to lay the foundation for a great CV

Nov 17, 2020
Whether you've just finished secondary school or whether you're completing your tertiary education, you know your future is in your hands. You also know something else should be in your hands - your CV. And this year, more than ever, a good CV is going to help you stand out from the crowd.

Meet our Student Advisory Group - The Studiosity Circle

Oct 21, 2020
Meeting us at the intersection of online learning & UX, our Student Advisory Panel help shape everything we do, and provide diverse student representation internally, and more widely in the sector.

Citation Assist - how early, personal support can help avoid unintentional plagiarism

Oct 20, 2020
How early, personal support can help avoid unintentional plagiarism, reduce avoidable investigations, and improve student satisfaction, through scalable technology combined with human help.

UK student helpseeking: remote student support and academic skills in the curriculum

Oct 6, 2020
Professor Jonathan Powles of the University of the West of Scotland shares insights into supporting students remotely.

How do you engage students who aren't seeking help?

Sep 25, 2020
Professor Holness describes in detail Roehampton's best practice approach for integrating formative feedback into assessment, and integrating support into the student experience. Prof Marilyn Holness, OBE, is Professor of Education Engagement and Practice and Director of Student Engagement at the University of Roehampton.